Monday, August 16, 2010

What's Your Number?

This is pretty nuts – a new grassroots movement that leaves people whittling down their personal belongings to a mere 100 “must-have” items. It really makes you think about what you can and can't live without.

While I think eliminating all but 100 things seems a bit excessive - - does a pair of shoes count as one or two items? - - I like the idea of getting rid of all the clutter that's building up in my apartment.

So, I spent the majority of my rainy Sunday sorting through all of my closets and drawers, finding all the clothes that I hope I'll one day fit into again and the other stuff that likely should never have been purchased to begin with.

It wasn't easy, but four full boxes later, my number has gone down quite a bit.  It feels good to know that everything (well most things) that I'm living with are ones that I actually use on a (semi) regular basis. Okay, I'm not quite to 100, but as they say, Rome wasn't built in a day...

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